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In this captivating collection of stories, people are often at a crossroads, somewhere between a world they know and one they feel pulled towards. Torn between past and future, centre and periphery, real and imaginary, they move from one point in their existence to another, trying to understand a life they have lived but perhaps never fully comprehended.

A woman is overjoyed at the news her husband has been found dead. A crow breaks into a young couple's flat, smashing perceptions and assumptions, and a dying father sends his son on a journey to meet an old flame. A young boy builds friendships with burnt matchsticks and a widow makes her husband's manuscript her own.

From the heart of the Mediterranean comes a new and exciting storyteller, a keen observer and a great collector of people's moods.

"The is a book about storytelling, not only as a form of pleasure that is shared between writer and reader but more importantly as a gift that's given with love and needs love to be appreciated."
The European Union Prize for Literature Jury

"Beautifully crafted"
Meike Ziervogel, Peirene Press

"An exquisite book of stories. Mejlak writes with subtlety, and quietness, and beauty, and doubt. A major writer, and a major work."
Rodge Glass, winner of the Somerset Maugham Award

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Waterstones' official launch pictures (Flickr)


              ©2006 Pierre J Mejlak. Site by: briangrech